Cinnamon Amazing And Surprising Benefits

Author : mubinfaisal
Publish Date : 2021-10-02 00:00:00

Cinnamon Amazing And Surprising Benefits

Cinnamon is a spice that is not inferior in popularity to any other in cooking. It is this oriental seasoning that gives baked goods and desserts a unique sweet-woody aroma. But you should not consider it solely as a savory spice. There are as many antioxidants in a teaspoon of ground cinnamon as there are in 150 g of blueberries, and in terms of saturation with polyphenols, ground cinnamon surpasses all other spices. ELLE has studied in detail all the beneficial properties of cinnamon, as well as the possible harm it can cause to the body.

Cinnamon is the dried bark of the cinnamon trees. When dry, the strips of bark curl into tubes. These cinnamon sticks are ground to a flour state or used to make mulled wine, meat and poultry dishes.

The historical homeland of cinnamon is Sri Lanka, where it is cultivated in our time. The most useful is the original Ceylon cinnamon. It’s less useful, but cheap analogue - Chinese cinnamon - grows in Australia and Southeast Asia. A mixture of essential oils, tannins and resins creates that unique tart and warm scent of cinnamon.

The beneficial properties of cinnamon have been known for a long time. In ancient Chinese medical works, it often appears as a universal remedy for getting rid of various ailments. Also, cinnamon is mentioned in the ancient Indian treatise on health "Ayurveda" and even in the Old Testament. Cinnamon is rich in potassium, manganese, iron, copper, selenium and zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, C, E, K. The antioxidant polyphenol MHCP acts on insulin receptors and lowers blood sugar, so doctors recommend eating cinnamon for patients with type 2 diabetes.

Medical research has proven that the use of this spice has a positive effect on the functioning of all vital systems of the body. Cinnamon improves overall tone, strengthens the immune system, helps in concentration, can improve visual memory, has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties.

The healing cinnamon honey mixture is one of the most effective and delicious ways to treat colds. Cinnamon multiplies the benefits of honey - the antibacterial properties of these two natural components increase vital functions, activate metabolic processes, and help in the fight against viruses. Mix a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon and a tablespoon of natural honey, take the mixture three times a day for colds or to prevent SARS. A contraindication to cinnamon honey treatment is fever. The cinnamon can cause headaches. Also, cinnamon should not be consumed by people suffering from high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. The spice causes a rapid heartbeat. Cinnamon powder should always be in the kitchen, but it comes in handy for more than making apple strudel and warming drinks. In ancient times, cinnamon was the main antiseptic. If you sprinkle flour on a fresh wound, then cinnamaldehyde will prevent infections from entering the blood and quickly restore damaged tissue. This method of disinfection is still actively used in the East. Cinnamon is often added to chewing gum, toothpaste, and mouthwash. The spice kills bacteria in the mouth without damaging the teeth or changing the color of the enamel.

Cinnamon is a leader in the prevention and treatment of the most difficult diseases. The spicy spice is toxic to malignant cancers. Cinnamon can reduce the growth of cancer cells and cause their death. The spice minimizes the risk of heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels. To do this, take at least 120 mg of cinnamon powder daily. This aromatic spice has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines, eliminates unpleasant sensations in the stomach, and is useful for flatulence. Each of us should know the beneficial properties of cinnamon for women. Cinnamon foods and drinks can help relieve premenstrual symptoms and soreness. Cinnamon is rich in minerals that make up for deficiencies in manganese, chromium and calcium.

Pure cinnamon actively helps in the fight against excess weight. Fragrant cinnamon powder does not reduce appetite, but it speeds up metabolic processes and slows down digestion. Cinnamon in baked goods is more harmful to the body. However, due to the weight loss benefits of cinnamon, just one teaspoon of powder a day can help reduce the glycemic index of food by up to 30%. Add cinnamon daily to cereals, smoothies, and yoghurts. Prepare "cinnamon tea" in the evening: dissolve a spoonful of honey and cinnamon in hot water and let the drink steep overnight. A slimming drink should be drunk in two doses - in the morning and in the evening. If you are not allergic to cinnamon, add it to your favorite drinks and culinary dishes. Cinnamon will add a spicy aroma to fresh fruits, desserts, vegetarian sauces and soups, lamb and poultry dishes. And when dried, cinnamon bark reduces cravings for sweets and starchy foods.

With all the obvious benefits of cinnamon, you should be careful with it during pregnancy. In large quantities, it can cause the uterus to contract. Cinnamon thins the blood, so it is contraindicated for people with low blood clotting, as well as with high blood pressure. Cinnamon is toxic, its daily intake should not exceed 6 g.

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