Amazing Benefits and Uses of Tomatoes

Author : mubinfaisal
Publish Date : 2021-10-29 00:00:00

Amazing Benefits and Uses of Tomatoes

Tomatoes and their juice, due to their high iron content, are useful for cardiovascular diseases and anemia. The substances contained in tomatoes normalize metabolism, stimulate the kidneys and intestines, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The homeland of tomatoes is South America, from where they spread throughout Europe, Asia and the whole globe thanks to the Spanish conquistadors. The first cultivated tomatoes had small yellow fruits, no larger than today's cherry tomatoes. It was these tomatoes that were brought to Europe by Columbus or Cortez (historians have not yet figured out who exactly to thank for these vegetables). The first written mention of tomatoes in European sources dates back to 1544.

In the 17th century, tomatoes took their place in Mediterranean cuisines and were especially loved in Spain. However, until the 18th century, tomatoes were exclusively ornamental plants in many European countries. In Russia, tomatoes were not recognized for a very long time, while the agronomist A.T. Bolotov did not convince the public of their safety. Today there are about 7,500 varieties of tomatoes in the world.

Interesting Facts

The word "tomato" comes from the Aztec tomatl meaning "swollen fruit".

The name "tomato" given to the vegetable by the Italian biologist Pietro Andrea Mattioli means "golden apple" (pomo d'oro).

When tomatoes were considered poisonous, they tried to poison George Washington with a dish of them.


Tomatoes are one of the most widespread vegetables in the world. They are eaten raw, pickled, and subjected to all kinds of culinary processing.

Green tomatoes are canned, fried in corn bread, or used in salsa sauce.

Ripe tomatoes are used much more widely: they make juices, sauces, marinades, add to soups, salads, stews, pizza. The Spanish cold soup gazpacho is made from tomatoes, and tomato juice is an indispensable ingredient in the Bloody Mary cocktail. Due to their rather high acid content, tomatoes are great for meat dishes as a marinade, sauce or side dish.

In the homeland of tomatoes, South America, these vegetables were cooked with pepper, corn and salt.


Tomatoes and their juice, due to their high iron content, are useful for cardiovascular diseases and anemia. The substances contained in tomatoes normalize metabolism, stimulate the kidneys and intestines, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Lycopene, which is rich in tomatoes, neutralizes free radicals, prevents the development of cancerous tumors and DNA mutations. Fats are needed to metabolize lycopene, so raw tomatoes should be eaten with butter.

Pickled tomatoes contain lactic acid, which is beneficial in maintaining normal intestinal microflora.


Tomato fruits contain proteins, carbohydrates (starch, sugar, fiber), pectin substances, organic acids, carotenoids (carotene and lycopene), rare vitamin K and B vitamins, minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, silicon, iodine). Tomatoes are categorically contraindicated for both the elderly and those who have osteoporosis and joint diseases. The fact is that the increased consumption of tomatoes, tomato pastes and sauces leads to the accumulation of calcium in the body, the deposition of salts, causes the formation of kidney stones, and contributes to the erosion of tooth enamel. Moreover, not even the tomatoes themselves are harmful, but the acids they contain. By the way, they can provoke a spasm of the gallbladder with gallstone disease.

I hope that you will take note of all of the above. Eat tomatoes, but remember about their negative properties, and as for the positive ones, they increase significantly during heat treatment. Despite being a fruit botanically, tomatoes are usually eaten and cooked like a vegetable. Usually mature tomatoes turn red, but they come in a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, green, and purple. Moreover, there are many subspecies of tomatoes of different shapes and tastes. In this article, we'll discuss everything you need to know about tomatoes. The content of vitamins and plant compounds in tomatoes can vary greatly depending on the variety and period. The main plant compounds of tomatoes:

Lycopene , a red pigment and antioxidant, has been extensively studied for its health benefits. It is the most abundant carotenoid in ripe tomatoes. It is found in the skin in the highest concentrations. Generally, the redder the tomato, the more lycopene it contains. Tomato foods such as ketchup, tomato juice, tomato paste, and tomato sauces are the richest dietary sources of lycopene in the Western diet. Other foods in your diet can have a profound effect on the absorption of lycopene. Although processed tomato products are higher in lycopene, it is recommended that you consume fresh, whole tomatoes whenever possible.


Beta-carotene , an antioxidant that often gives food a yellow or orange hue, is converted to vitamin A.

Naringenin. Found in tomato skins, this flavonoid has been shown to reduce inflammation and protect against various diseases in mice.

Chlorogenic acid is a powerful antioxidant compound that can lower blood pressure in people with hypertension.

Chlorophylls and carotenoids such as lycopene are responsible for the rich color of tomatoes. When the ripening process begins, chlorophyll (green) is decomposed and carotenoids (red) are synthesized.

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