Malabar coast of India and Ceylon; black cardamom is native to Guatemala and India. To this day, these areas are centers for the production of cardamom. Herbaceous perennial plant of the ginger family. Seeds with a strong, pungent, spicy-burning, slightly camphor odor and sweetish-pungent taste. The mentions of Dioscorides and Pliny about this "most delicate" spice, which, according to them, had an extraordinary healing power and at the same time was considered a strong stimulating component, have survived. Ancient Greeks and Romans paid dearly for this spice. A popular spice, cardamom is suitable for many first or second courses and even savory pastries. And therefore, cardamom can be easily found in stores and markets. When buying, pay attention to the packaging - it should not let through the aroma of spice and absorb moisture from the environment. If this is cardamom in boxes, then they should be whole, beautiful, without unnecessary inclusions. The manufacturer, his experience, reputation and the availability of all the necessary documents are also important.
Cardamom from "Aidigo" is a 100% natural and high quality product. The company has been on the market for 20 years and during this time it has developed a supplier base with only high-quality spices and with all the necessary declarations and certificates, which guarantees safety and high quality. Cardamom effectively removes the smell of garlic and alcohol. It is part of the "dry spirits" that are used to flavor gingerbread, Easter cakes, etc. Cardamom belongs to one of the most refined spices.
Its main area of application is aromatization of flour confectionery - muffins, cookies, gingerbreads, gingerbread - and especially, aromatization of confectionery fillings in rolls, puff pastry and in products with added coffee (for example, coffee cake). But in addition to this, cardamom can be used to refine homemade tinctures and liqueurs, as a component in marinades for fruits, in some sweet dishes (jelly, compotes, curd pastes), as well as in fish soups, in spicy broths for fish, for flavoring minced fish, fillings, casseroles. In the East, cardamom is one of the most beloved spices. It is especially popular in the cuisine of North India, where it is included in almost all traditional spicy mixtures (masala), and in combination with almonds and saffron, it is necessarily added to festive rice dishes and to lassi - a frothy soft fermented milk drink of izyogurt. In the Middle East, cardamom is commonly combined with fruits and nuts, and is also added to meat and rice dishes. In addition, this spice is an indispensable component of "oriental" coffee (in Arabic, in Tunisian): freshly ground cardamom seeds are added to coffee before brewing or put several boxes in a cezve (this is the name of oriental coffee utensils). Scandinavians add cardamom to meat and fish dishes, sausages (especially to liverwort), pates and marinades for herring, sprat and herring, flavor liqueurs, hot punches and mulled wine. The French add cardamom to liqueurs such as Curacao and Chartreuse. The Germans put cardamom in a mixture of spices to flavor the famous Nuremberg Christmas gingerbread Lebkuchen with candied fruits, almonds and honey (by the way, the Germans taught us to add cardamom to Easter cake). Cardamom has been used in traditional folk medicine for over 3000 years. It has anti-inflammatory, stimulating, carminative, diuretic, stimulating effect - it stimulates the mind, heart, gives a feeling of joy. Cardamom is also recommended for asthma, coughs, bronchitis and migraines, as a means of increasing appetite. It promotes the elimination of various poisons and toxins from the body. The people call this spice a paradise berry and a royal spice. In terms of sales in the Indian spice market, cardamom is second only to black pepper. Such popular love and popularity are due to the excellent taste and useful qualities, noble aroma.
As a natural flavoring agent, cardamom is widely used in cooking and perfumery. Its luxurious scent, combining strength and tenderness, resembles at the same time lemon, eucalyptus and camphor - fresh and slightly tart. Taking advantage of this versatility, in the Middle Ages, pharmacists issued ground cardamom as a potent medicine made from several expensive ingredients. Considering that such a deception on a European scale lasted for a long time, one can draw conclusions about how high the healing power of this luxurious spice is. The cardamom plant is a shrub with a large rhizome, growing up to 4 meters in height, decorated with oblong leaves and inflorescences of 3-5 flowers. The fruits are pods that store brownish or black seeds inside. To grow cardamom, shade is needed; plantations are located directly among forest evergreen thickets. On an industrial scale, today the spice is grown mainly in South India and China, and in Sri Lanka. The quality of cardamom from India is higher and the pods are larger, the Ceylon variety is more aromatic. India is leading among the exporting countries of cardamom, the country even has a state support program for spice producers, as well as breeders working to develop better and more productive varieties. The most popular cardamom is green, growing mainly in India, followed by black (other names: Javanese and Bengali).
White is extremely rare on the market, under the guise of which it is offered the usual green with seeds that have lost their pigment during steam processing.
Black cardamom has a resinous and slightly smoky smell, the fruits are larger. It is used in the preparation of savory dishes, and green gives any food and drink a sophisticated taste and aroma.
In black cardamom, the therapeutic effect is less pronounced, it is consumed with practically no restrictions on the amount.
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- This drink is useful for people with liver disease, as well as those suffering from gastritis
- Indeed, there is a diet that allows you to lose up to 3 kilograms in a fairly short time.
- White is extremely rare on the market, under the guise of which it is offered the usual green with seeds