Goose meat is less common than chicken or duck. The benefits and harms of goose meat are far from known to everyone, but knowledgeable people appreciate it very much. After all, for health it is a real storehouse of minerals and vitamins. Growing geese is a complex process when compared with chickens, especially on an industrial scale. They require not only special conditions of detention, but also special care, so goose meat is less common in the food basket of Russians.
Goose meat may seem too fatty. But only the skin has a high calorie content. It contains about 400 kcal per 100 g. If separated from the skin, then the calorie content of goose meat per 100 g will be only 160 kcal.
Goose meat contains 100 g: 7.1 g of fat and 25.7 g of protein. It contains no carbohydrates at all.
The meat of a domestic goose is dark in color. This is due to the fact that birds are quite mobile, so there are a lot of blood vessels in their muscles. It also differs from chicken in that it is a little tougher.
Since this bird is a waterfowl, it has a particularly well-developed fat layer. It protects them from hypothermia, providing good thermal insulation. If the goose is well and properly fed, then its meat contains approximately 50% fat. The peculiarity of geese is that their fat is useful. And if chicken fat is a source of harmful carcinogens, then we get energy from goose fat, among other things, it removes accumulated toxins and radionuclides from the body.
Meat is rich in vitamins (C, B and A) and minerals (selenium, zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium and many others).
In addition, goose meat contains a large amount of amino acids, thanks to which antibodies are produced in our body to fight various bacteria and viral infections.
Everyone needs to know what the benefits of goose meat are:
Scientists from America conducted a number of specific studies in which some French provinces participated. As a result, they found that where people regularly consumed goose meat, there were practically no cardiovascular diseases and life expectancy was significantly longer.
Due to the fact that goose meat is very fatty, it contributes to weight gain and can aggravate the symptoms of obesity. It is advisable to refrain from its use when:
There are several recommendations, following which you can buy goose meat that is truly healthy and tasty:
Old goose meat is much drier and tougher than young goose. It also contains significantly fewer vitamins. The benefit is significantly reduced if it is not properly stored, repeatedly frozen and thawed.
Can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months. At temperatures up to 2 degrees, it can be stored for no more than 3 days.
The question of what can be prepared from goose meat does not arise from experienced housewives. It makes delicious, healthy and nutritious meals.
The most common dish is a baked stuffed carcass. The filling can be very diverse: cabbage, potatoes, dried fruits, nuts, fruits, mushrooms or various cereals.
You can also use all the parts to make a rich broth. From the ground meat you will get nutritious and tasty meatballs, meatballs, zrazy.
There are certain subtleties of cooking, with the use of which the cooked dish will turn out more juicy and tender:
The meat of a wild representative of geese does not differ from homemade meat in terms of the method of preparation.
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