Generally when we decide to buy groceries online in Karachi, we have numerous sugary foods and drinks added to our order without even realizing what all this sugar is doing to our bodies. Sweets, desserts and all these sugary foods have an added cultural significance in our region, which is why the concept of festivity seems incomplete without indulging ourselves into eating something sweet. Let’s take a plunge into the sort of damage sugar can do to our health.
We were all told as kids not to eat too much candy or our teeth will fall off. Well, the deciduous teeth fell and some of us learnt the lesson while others thought this was also one of those tooth fairy stories that we just believed because we were impressionable and naïve. However, this is not one of those fairy tales because sugar can actually cause tooth decay. Tooth cavity is caused by bacteria and this bacteria simply loves to munch on the sugar left in the mouth. If you are eating too many sweets and you also happen to suffer from pain around the joints it is about time that you start cutting down on the candy. Sugar is associated with causing inflammation and research indicates that unregulated consumption can put you at a much greater danger towards several different conditions like arthritis.
Age is no longer just a number
There are other risks associated with inflammation in the body, for example surplus sugar in the blood attaches itself to protein and creepier molecules emerge that are referred to as advanced glycation end products. These “AGEs” as suggested by the acronym make you age faster by messing with the elastin and collagen in your skin. These protein fibers are damaged by excessive sugar and their function which is to keep your skin flexible, firm and young begins to get hampered. This in turn leaves the skin saggy and wrinkly.
Scarring you for life
Consuming copious amounts of sugar can have several other health risks and one must be really careful while ordering sugary foods via online grocery delivery in Karachi. If you have ordered something chances are you are not going to just throw it away so better be careful at the first step. Excess sugar generally comprises corn syrup or high levels of fructose which is processed in the liver. However, if sugar in take is really high when your liver breaks it down into fat it can potentially start dealing damage there. If additional fat starts collecting in the liver it causes a condition called Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Sometimes sugar causes so much destruction that on top of a fatty liver scarring and inflammation also develop. This condition is called Steatohepatitis (or NASH) and the scarring can get so worse as to block the liver’s blood supply while leading up to cirrhosis. It is much easier to regulate sugar consumption than thinking about getting a transplant after ruining your liver.
Warning - It can break your heart…and more!
Eating lots of sugary foods has different multifarious disadvantages. Since sugar takes its toll on all so many of your organs, and the body in general, your cardiac health is no different in this vein. The additional insulin pumped in the blood can impact arteries in the body while making them stiffer, thicker and inflamed. Since the heart is constantly pumping blood through those arteries, the harder it gets for your heart to keep performing its function the more damage and stress it will have to take. Gradually, this can develop into cardiac disease, heart attack, stroke, cardiac failure, etc. Studies indicate that consuming extra sugar also leads to high blood pressure, which naturally increases risk for heart related conditions.
Type 2 diabetes is also naturally linked with excessive sugar consumption. The condition develops because the pancreas releases insulin after eating but since sugar intake keeps coming the body quits giving the same response to insulin and the pancreas goes into overdrive. When the pancreas gives up the blood sugar levels surge and you develop this terrible chronic condition. We have all heard that cliché, “excess of everything is bad '' which could not have been more fitting with regards to sugar. See extra sugar running through your system impacts all these different organs and as we have covered it is mostly in negative ways. Same is the case for your kidneys as their primary job is to filter the blood. All the extra sugar in your blood is drained through urine but constantly high blood sugar levels and diabetes can hamper your kidney function leaving all other sorts of trash in your blood that can no longer be filtered.
We hope these reasons will help convince you to keep your sugar consumption at a bare minimum level and having a healthy balanced diet will translate into other aspects of your life.
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