Anime "One Piece" Episode 965 Makes the Audience Disappointed

Author : aplodernet1
Publish Date : 2021-03-14 00:00:00

Anime "One Piece" Episode 965 Makes the Audience Disappointed

Before entering the second Sunday in March 2021, which means the One Piece anime will touch the 966th episode, I would like to convey my complaints about One Piece anime episode 965 which aired on March 7, 2021.

At first I thought, I was the only one who was not satisfied with the anime by Toei Animation. However, after I explored Twitter and Facebook, it turned out that not a few people raised complaints that were similar to my grievances.

Based on these complaints, I finally just poured it into the article. Well, let's get to the point. In my opinion, there are 3 focuses of my complaint on the One Piece anime episode 965.

1. The ending is less fun

For viewers who are anti -skip-skip anime, I have to be honest that the first 15 minutes of episode 965 is quite boring for me. Why are you bored? Yes, we will discuss it at the next point.

Well after scene appetizer (up to mid) that less lost the only scene of closing the epic one who can save 965 episodes in order to feel better.

This hope was seen to be realized, when the battle between Oden and Whitebeard against Gol D. Roger, was shown in the last 4 minutes before episode 965 ended.

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Turns out oh apparently, reality is not as beautiful as reality. The battle between Oden and Roger that I hoped could be made longer in the anime, so that it would be a benchmark for further Oden's strength, did not actually materialize. Oden remained bouncing after being brushed by Roger in one slash.

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Whitebeard, who then jumped beautifully from a considerable distance, immediately replaced Oden to face Roger, even though Oden seemed still able to fight.

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After swinging swords at each other and there was a Haoshoku Haki battle between Whitebeard and Roger, I wondered who would win the King's Haki duel.

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However, once again I was disappointed. Instead of knowing whose Haoshoku Haki was superior, the words " To be Continued " came out. Hmmm, let me just throw the coffee cup beside me hahaha.

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2. Flashback Orochi Over time

As I mentioned in the first point earlier, approximately the first 15 minutes of episode 965 is quite boring to follow, especially those who hate the handsome and charming shogun Kurozuki Orochi.

The reason is, the first 15 minutes of episode 965 contain only a flashback explaining how cunningly this super-handsome shogun seized the shogun's throne from the hands of Kozuki Sukiyaki.

Yes, it's actually okay to have a flashback scene in an anime. But what makes us disappointed is that the preview of episode 965 in episode 964 is made as if Roger and Whitebeard's pirate battle is the focus, not Orochi's flashback .

So, many fans admit to being disappointed after waiting for a week. Not to mention, the scene of Roger and Whitebeard's pirates was about 40%, exactly the same as what was in the preview . Yes, all of a sudden the fans (including me) then became beard fires.

The hope is that the full battle between the pirates Roger and Whitebeard, which includes Silvers Rayleigh, Scopper Gaban, Marco, and others, can be shown in full in the upcoming episode 966, to treat feelings of disappointment with yesterday's episode 965.

3. Animation does not meet expectations

Finally, the animation of the battle between Roger and Oden as well as Roger and Whitebeard, deviated far from the expectations of the fans.

Just look at Roger and Oden's battle, the swords of Enma and Ame no Habakiri which were originally in Oden's hands, miraculously were already in their respective scabbards after Oden was blown away as a result of being cut by Roger.

Even though it is considered a minor mistake, of course it must be used as an evaluation by the production, because these minor mistakes might reduce the mood to watch.

Then, in the battle scene between Roger and Whitebeard. Am I just not comfortable with the animation shown? Yes, just look at the Haoshoku Haki fighting moment between the two of them, like something is missing right? It feels like it's not as amazing as when Whitebeard collided Haoshoku Haki with Shanks, right?

Then, Toei Animation's Haoshoku Haki collision effects were also quite out of place. To the point, there are some fans who say that the Haki effect in One Piece now is more similar to the effects in the Dragon Ball anime.

In addition, the effects of the ground being destroyed during the collision and flying when Whitebeard and Roger collided with Haoshoku Haki, were also quite annoying to the audience. The reason is, the Haoshoku Haki that the audience knows about does not have that effect.

This certainly opens the eyes of the production team, if One Piece fans are still dominated by teenagers and parents, who don't really like it when the animation that is presented seems so childish. Because, the dark and serious impression in the story becomes less obvious.


Those are my 3 complaints regarding the 965th episode of One Piece anime yesterday, hopefully it can be paid for completely by the production in the upcoming 966 episode. Hope it is useful.

Category :anime

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