Laptop Uses And Advantages in The Modern World

Author : mubinfaisal
Publish Date : 2021-12-06 00:00:00

Laptop Uses And Advantages in The Modern World

When looking for an answer to the question: "Laptop or desktop computer?" it is necessary to determine the purpose of the device. Looking ahead, if the goal is to get the maximum comfort from games - definitely a powerful desktop computer with a high-quality monitor. If it is work or study, there may be nuances, but in general the laptop is better. Read more in our article. A lower price for comparable power, high maintainability, low tendency to overheat of components and modules, low noise level at 100% load (with the correct selection of components) are the main advantages of a stationary computer. Also unforgettable about customization, the ability to choose a specific computer part for your requirements or needs.

The main disadvantages of a laptop

Tendency to rapid overheating, low maintainability, high price for comparable power. When trying to install an outdated Windows operating system (this could be Windows 7, 8.1) or Linux, you may encounter driver problems.

I will also add an almost complete lack of the ability to carry out an inexpensive upgrade or add a part with the necessary parameters. In laptops, according to the statistics of our service, physical damage is more common, so they have to be repaired more often. At the same time, modern laptops are becoming more often non-repairable.

The main disadvantages of a stationary computer

Bulky, impossibility of fast transportation. The system unit and monitor take up a lot of space on the table and under the table. Those. all your work, study and games are tied to one specific place in the apartment. Today this is considered nonsense and therefore people are increasingly buying a laptop instead of a computer. Especially if there is no need to play games.

About stationary computers and their advantages

1. Balanced price-performance ratio. That is, when buying a computer, there is confidence that we are buying just performance, and not design delights, unnecessary extra buns, an advanced operating system pre-installed by the manufacturer, which will have to be changed to a more familiar one. The value of the price in the ratio computer-laptop can reach 1 to 1.45. Those. an assembled computer for games will cost 30-45% less than its portable counterpart of the same power.
2. Possibility of choosing a complete set (follows from the previous paragraph). Don't feel like buying a DVD-ROM - please. You already have a keyboard, mouse and speakers from an old PC and do not want to buy new ones - you can also save on this.
3. Ability to choose a monitor: someone will need a very large and high-quality monitor, someone may prefer a compact and super flat monitor to save space on their desktop. In addition to everything, you can buy a system unit without a monitor at all and use it in conjunction with a modern LCD TV via a DVI cable.
4. A huge advantage of a stationary computer is also the ability to quickly upgrade. Of course, manufacturers often change processor platforms, which leads to some difficulties, but it is possible to increase power 1.5-3 times for everyday gaming needs without any problems and financial investments.
5. Savings on maintenance. Savings on repairing a computer at home in the event of a breakdown. Computers are much cheaper to repair. For example: a breakdown of a motherboard in a computer and a laptop will cost the owner about $ 70 and $ 130, respectively (depending on the type of breakdown). But in the first case, a new motherboard with a one-year warranty will be installed in the computer, while one of the bridges will be soldered in a laptop with a one-year or half-year warranty.
7. Increased service life and mechanical strength. Due to the fact that the computer uses more massive radiators to cool the heating elements, they require less maintenance. Desktops move less and fall, liquids do not get inside the box of the system unit, the case, even with a strong blow, is not so easy to damage, while in a laptop, an unsuccessful closing of the lid can cause damage to the case and matrix. As a rule, therefore, computers last longer and are much cheaper to operate.

On the cons of stationary computers

  1. First of all, it is the appearance. After all, now it is so fashionable to use gadgets with mini-, ultra-, slim- consoles - this is a kind of tribute to fashion. Huge boxes, voluminous monitors too often cause an attack of nostalgia, we are accustomed to "consume" new technologies.
    2. The noise of the system unit can be just as strong and unpleasant under load. Many budget system units are assembled from poor quality parts. These modules have inefficient cooling systems and cheap components. Therefore, you should pay attention to this fact and do not buy cheap video cards, coolers for the central processor and power supplies - these are the main sources of noise in the system unit.
    3. Dimensions. I must say, the computer takes up a lot of space, plus the ubiquitous wires and cables.

On the pros of laptops

1. Mobility and compactness. If you have a laptop, all the day's work in the office can be easily carried home and continued to work. From now on, your office is where you want it: beach, car, train, etc.
2. Autonomy. The laptop can operate on battery power from an hour to three to six hours in normal mode. This is more than enough to carry out a certain priority scope of work, even if the electricity was cut off throughout the block.
3. Design and the ability to express yourself. A laptop can be used as a fashionable and expensive accessory, if it is. It can decorate the desk of the office, at home, give the interior austerity and style.

So which is better laptop or desktop computer? Everyone will make this choice for themselves. I hope our article will help with this.

Category :technology

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