Who does not want to have a good hair day every day? All of us love that. I mean hair conveys a lot about our personality and so many people go through struggle of maintaining their hair. Now it is not possible naturally to have the same good-looking hair every day. It would be the biggest lie. However, one can at least increase the frequency of good hair days or maybe get closer to perfection. This is possible. Though, this requires some bit of work but what it has that can be achieved without any hard work. Besides, there is no fun in that. The happiness one gets from achieving what she has been working on for days is worth it.
Thus, head down and read what we have got for you to be able to have healthy and filled hair.
First things first:
Before we move on to what we can do to have good-looking hair. We first have to note that desiring to have same hair as so and so celebrity is not the right thing to do. Those hair look good on them because it is they and not you. We all are born extraordinary unless we try to follow others or maybe be like others. The genes have big role to play in this and it is rather okay to accept the hair type and see what can shall suit them and what not.
Now we have cleared this out. Let us now reveal the tips to you.
Protein it up:
One of the most important ingredient for our hair to look good and healthy is the protein quotient, which unfortunately many of us lack. We live in an era where fast food has completely over taken vegetable and fruits. It is too seldom that we eat something protein filled. Thus, it becomes really hard for the scalp to provide enough nutrition to the hair. Therefore, the first tip is to amp up the level protein within the body.
Water the body:
No, you do not have to shower twice a day. That would only worsen the hair. Water the body means keep the body hydrated. The blood flow within our body is heavily dependent on the amount of water intake. Which if, is not up to the required level results in pale and dry scalp. Because when the body does not get enough water, the blood is not able to flow to other parts of the body. Resulting in skin related issues. Thus, make it a point to drink at least 1 gallon of water daily.
Oil it at the right time:
Oiling the hair only will not do much unless you apply oil at the right time. The purpose of oiling the hair is to provide it nourishment. However, due to the properties of the oil, it has to be given at least 8 hours to completely be absorbed by the hair and only then shall it be washed. Thus, the best time to oil your hair is before you go to sleep and then washing it in the morning. Besides, it is also advisable to apply few drops of oil again into the hair after the shower. This provides enough nourishment to the hair.
Give the hair a break:
Another important tip would be to not shampoo the hair more often. Because most of the shampoos contain ingredients which if used frequently extract out the nutrition from the surface. What can be done is to use shampoo after a break of a day or a two, depending on the condition you reside in.
Get yourself a conditioner:
Now, most of the people may already be using a conditioner. However, a major portion of people may be aware of the benefit of this practice. Conditioners work as an after treatment. They bring a soft and shiny appeal to the hair. Which is lost due to the pouring of water and shampoo into the scalp. Hence, make it a point to apply conditioner after taking a shower.
Do not overdo it:
As the famous quote goes by, less is more. It is applicable to the hair as well. People tend to do a lot of stuff to their hair all at the same time. This is not right and instead harmful in so many ways. We need to give the hair the time to completely immerse itself in one treatment before giving it another one. Moreover, frequent dying of the hair is also harmful. It destroys the outer layer of the hair and leaves it rough. Therefore, only doing the above-mentioned would be more than enough. You will know this yourself in few weeks’ time, once you start doing them.
These are some of the easiest tips to maintain our hair and keep them healthy. I hope you find these beneficial rather than using organic products.
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