Tips after online nikah service in Lahore:
Advocate Jamila provides the online nikah service in Lahore and gives the best tips for healthy marital life. One such couple worth mentioning is that whenever they visit our house, the wife does all the talking and the husband is just not given any time to voice his opinion about anything. We all sit like statues listening to her monologue but when he is on his own, one enjoys his company. He also has the gift of the gab but it is crushed when his better half accompanies him after online nikah service in Lahore!
Once married to the right person, there is so much to say to each other and hear from each other, that words can flow for hours and the couple can talk about any topic under the un! Communication need not only be 'through words, but it can also be through small gestures and even body language enables a spouse to understand what one is trying to communicate after online nikah service in Lahore.
A spouse must have a sensitive antenna, be available, respect each other's confidence, show appreciation for every little thing and stop being critical and try not to thrust your views on to your spouse and only then communication can easily develop towards a solid footing. Sometimes, a spouse just wants to confide his/her problems to a person who will understand and not betray their trust. Now is the time to sit back and talk, this is the time when children are well settled in studies and commitments and duties are so light that one does not feel the stress.
The happier one feels, the happier your marriage will be after online nikah service in Lahore. After so many years of living together, there is plenty to discuss and fond memories can always be recalled over and over again! Parents spend quantity time with their children, as the children need their company, their guidance, and feel more secure and comfortable as long as the parents are around.
Even though there is fewer communication children are busy with school assignments, computer games, and friends. Yet, the mere presence of either parent is a source of comfort, which motivates their children to follow these healthy pursuits. Besides parental duties, the couple after online nikah service in Lahore also has a duty towards each other. They need to spend quality time together. The husband can communicate with his spouse without constant pressure from the workplace. The wife must also cut down on household chores and spend more time with her spouse.
Even watching television, listening to music, and remembering the past events can be a source of pleasure just because you are both together to discuss and relive happy memories after online nikah service in Lahore. The soul mates should be able to share their fears, innermost feelings and everyday experiences which a couple has collected over the period, these past events can only be enjoyed provided You have the right understanding and a receptive company.
Both husband and wife should be so attuned to each other that they can enjoy sharing their thoughts, convictions and are so tolerant that they never snub a spouse for narrating a family/office story one has heard ever so often.
Time of online marriage in Pakistan: For online marriage in Pakistan and Christian court marriage procedure in Pakistan Advocate Jamila from Jamila Law Associates is the top law firm. It is only a custom that people make Istikharah at night. Neither is it necessary to sleep after the salah of Istikharah nor is it to be made only at night, It can be done at any time. After the salah and recommended prayer, one may sit down a while turning to one's heart. He may make it as many times in a day as he likes for online marriage in Pakistan and Christian court marriage procedure in Pakistan, THE METHOD One may offer two Rakat salah and after that make the supplication and pay attention to his heart (meditate). It is not necessary to go to sleep.
It is enough to make the application just once. He must rid himself of any pre-conceived ideas and must make Istikharah only when his heart is at rest. He may pray, "O Allah ordain for me what is best". While it is allowed to pray in any language, the words of the Prophet are best, (ibid v-3 pp4, 147) A CONDITION Istikharah is useful only when one removes all nations from the mind that are formed beforehand, otherwise, they dominate his mind and influence his decision of online marriage in Pakistan and Christian court marriage procedure in Pakistan. (al-Ijadat ul Yctwmiyah v-10, P-165).
The jurists have ruled that it is disallowed to make an amulet with the object of subjugating a husband. Since this kind of an amulet is disallowed to a married couple, the marriage is also void. Further, to give such an amulet to someone is also forbidden. Even if a saint gives such an amulet, it is a sine (Udul ul Jami P-382)
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