Hire Best Attorney & advocate in Lahore Pakistan (2021)

Author : uxarhawking
Publish Date : 2021-07-01 00:00:00

Hire Best Attorney & advocate in Lahore Pakistan (2021)

Attorney and advocate in Lahore Pakistan:

For the power of attorney issues contact the best advocate in Lahore Pakistan from a law firm in Pakistan Jamila Law Associates. Authentication of power of attorney was merely no attestation of power of attorney through an advocate in Lahore Pakistan from a law firm in Pakistan. Instead, it implied that the person authenticating must satisfy himself the executants’ identity and the factum of execution. Authentication under Section 85, Evidence Act, 1872 was not merely attestation. Still, it meant that person authenticating had assured himself of the identity of the person who had signed the instrument as well as the fact of execution.   (20)


A company is a legal entity owing to its existence to the law under which it is established. Its powers of binding itself and its property and disposing of its property are derived from the law under which it is constituted and may be limited to those expressly specified in its constitution or arising by implication from that place. Any transaction outside the powers of the company is void and incapable of ratification through an advocate in Lahore Pakistan from a law firm in Pakistan. A person therefore who is asked to advise about the grant of a power of attorney by a company, or to act as attorney for a company or to deal with a person purporting to act as such attorney, is conceded to inquire first as to the powers of the company to enter into the proposed transaction and secondly as to its ability to delegate such authority.  


 Where the Act of an attorney through an advocate in Lahore Pakistan from a law firm in Pakistan in favor of a third party is done in circumstances in which the third party has notice that it is being done for the private purposes of the attorney himself and hot on behalf of his principal, the third party cannot retain the benefit of the Act so done to the detriment of the principal. In a case, the Appellant gave Lord Torrington a power of attorney enabling the latter to manage his affairs through an advocate in Lahore Pakistan from a law firm in Pakistan. It produced the document to the Appellant's bankers, and as they were not satisfied as to the authority to draw cheques, the Appellant wrote to them that it was to cover the drawing of cheques without restriction.

The attorney subsequently agreed with the Respondents to acquire a motor car on hire-purchase, entering the transaction personally as principal and being so regarded by the Respondents (who knew nothing of the Appellant). He paid them under this agreement 200 by cheque signed by the Appellant and by Torrington, his Attorney. On discovering the facts, the Appellant sued the Respondents for the amount so paid.' Lord Torrington, in his capacity as an attorney, drew cheques on the plaintiff'splaintiff's account at Barclays Bank Limited, signing "Harold, J. Reckitt by Torrington his attorney" and paid then into the defendant bank to the credit of a firm of which he was the sole partner, thereby appropriating the money.

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I'd like to know why? Doesn't Allah say he answers the prayers of his faithful ones, but even though I prayed a lot, screaming in my heart to be saved from dishonour, that did not happen? Why? Why did my prayers go unheard? Why was it possible for all those Hindu men to humiliate me to such a great degree? Is this the reward I get for being a Muslim? Despite this, my husband has stayed with me and refuses to divorce me, as he says he loves me a lot. I too love him and don't want to lose him ever. But, under Islamic law, is this permissible?

Have I been made a non-Muslim by this incident? If I have, please tell me how or if I can become a Muslim again, as I've heard, once a Muslim leaves his faith, he is not allowed back into it. Has this incident nullified my marriage with my husband? If so, what steps should I take to remarry him? Have I been un-purified, and if I have, how can I get back to my pure state? Am I guilty of adultery? Or are we guilty of any wrongdoing? If so, how can we atone this sin?  

Finally, I am now pregnant. My husband happens to be a sterile man and so there is no doubt that this child belongs to one of my assailants, and this is what pains me a lot and urges me for an abortion. Can I do so? Would Islam permit it?  My husband and I don't know much about Islam, and so we have turned to you for your valuable guidance and advice, which, I promise, we will accept and should and act followin

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