UNBREAKABLE KIMMY SCHMIDT KIMMY VS. THE REVEREND Leverages Netflixs Best Interactive Features

Author : aplodernet1
Publish Date : 2021-03-06 00:00:00

UNBREAKABLE KIMMY SCHMIDT KIMMY VS. THE REVEREND Leverages Netflixs Best Interactive Features

Only one film on Netflix that used the interactive features I watched, namely Black Mirror: Bandersnatch  which came out two years ago. Even though it sounds promising,  Bandersnatch  doesn't feel as wild and attractive as usual because it is constrained by the features it uses. Now  Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend is also the second film I've watched to also use that feature, and with what result? Not only is it really fun, but the film also manages to take advantage of its really complex features.

Basically, with interactive features we can adjust how the film's story will continue by being given choices as the story progresses. Like when Kimmy (Ellie Kemper) and Titus (Tituss Burgess) are confused whether they will walk to the nearest city or wait for Uber for 4,000 minutes. This is where we as the audience are given the choice of how they will solve their problems and of course each choice has an effect and consequence, like a visual novel game.

Interactive features like this do sound fun, let alone promise freedom to the audience, but this feature can also result in a lack of focus on the narrative of the current film. Just look at  Bandersnatch, which unfortunately the story it has is far from the quality side of the previous episodes. But at  Kimmy vs. The Reverend , this feature works well because it can add an energy of silliness and jokes to a film, with each option being able to reward a scene or story that is hilarious and unexpected.

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Kimmy, who is now a famous book writer, is planning her wedding ceremony with Prince Frederick (Daniel Radcliffe), a prince from the British Empire who meets Kimmy because he likes the same book. With the wedding ceremony only a few days away, Kimmy finds clues that Pastor Richard Wayne Gary Wayne (Jon Hamm) - who kidnapped Kimmy before the first season started - apparently has another bunker that also houses a group of the women he kidnapped. Unable to let that happen, Kimmy embarks on his next adventure to save the women.

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Just like the previous seasons,  Kimmy vs. The Reverend still has a really huge capacity for humor and silliness and fits perfectly into the interactive features, resulting in a film that is hilarious without being forced. What I really enjoy is how every scene always runs smoothly, no matter what choice we make. Indeed, each choice can produce a different story and scene, but each cut of the scene seamlessly joins the previous or future story.

And like a game, the choices we have previously chosen can have an impact on the storyline far ahead, which makes the film's story always feel interesting and keeps telling the audience that what we choose is influential and not just a fad. It can even affect some characters until the end of the story, something I just found out when I watched the second time.

One of the jokes in a film that really takes the technicalities of Netflix out is that at the beginning of the film, the opening starts and the theme song plays (one of the most perfect theme songs in a series I've ever watched). Just like other Netflix series, there is an option to “Skip the Intro”. If you hit that on Kimmy vs. The Reverend , then comes Walter Bankston (Mike Britt) - known as someone whose interview was remixed for the opening music - who was annoyed that the audience would skip the intro, and because of that he would deliver a longer intro than before and the audience wouldn't. will get through it.

That's also what I love about this film directed by Claire Scanlon, because with the many possibilities that can happen with each choice,  Kimmy vs. The Reverend is  worth playing over and over again. There are even scenes that can only be obtained if the audience repeats the same choice, even though they know that the choice will cause the end of the story and the audience will be brought back when they have to choose that choice. So if you choose an option, then the film ends because of that choice, and you are again given a choice, try to choose it again. The film will still end, but there will be new scenes that are hilarious and worth watching.

Not only is it technically awesome, but the story and characters in  Kimmy vs. The Reverend is no less hilarious than the series. Of course, the best character in this film, just like in previous seasons, is Kimmy's friend and someone who has now become an action film actor  , Titus. With her diva demeanor and her complaining but supportive personality, it's hard to imagine whether the series would be as funny as it is without her around. With him, I can laugh just by looking at his face.

Pastor Richard or who is usually called Dick, is also the driving force in the film, especially played by actor Jon Hamm, who is known for playing serious films or series such as Mad Men ,  The Town  and Bad Times at the El Royale . But now he is also starting to play in the comedy realm, besides  Kimmy he also plays in  Tag and Good Omens which makes me believe that he is capable of playing in comedy because not only seeing someone who used to play dramas play in comedy is funny, but he does have talent. which is humorous. “Jurrasic Park Rules! If I don't move, you can't see me! ” says one of his silly sentences in this film.

In the last few years I have had quite a hard time finding  sitcoms  that I really like because: 1) most of the sitcoms I came across had jokes that were too forced and humor that didn't hit, and 2) I didn't like using the laugh track . So when I discovered  Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt a few years ago, I was delighted to find a  sitcom  that had a unique premise and character that was wild and witty in its own way. Until now, I still believe that the series is the  best sitcom in the world of streaming services  .

And  Kimmy vs. The Reverend  is a fitting ending not only for the hilarious series, but also for one of the sitcom 's most beloved characters , Kimmy Schmidt himself. The final outline of this film may not change much no matter what is chosen, but the adventures that go through it are very exciting and worth exploring. And still, every option is tantalizing to try.

Category :entertainment

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