If Wonder Woman ( Patty Jenkins , 2017) tells the story of the origins and life background of the ch

Author : aplodernet1
Publish Date : 2021-03-20 00:00:00

If Wonder Woman ( Patty Jenkins , 2017) tells the story of the origins and life background of the ch

Wonder Woman ( Gal Gadot ) then Wonder Woman 1984 brings the story of the main character to a period in her life in 1984. Narrated, Diana Prince works as an anthropologist in the city of Washington, DC while, of course, continues his task of fighting crime by using his identity as Wonder Woman. 

One day, when he was chatting with his colleague who is an archaeologist, Barbara Minerva ( Kristen Wiig), both of them discuss the discovery of a mysterious ancient stone known as the Dreamstone because it is said to be able to fulfill every wish of the person who holds it. Unintentionally, Diana Prince and Barbara Minerva then expressed their hopes - which would later materialize and provide conflict for the two of them. The presence of Dreamstone also attracted the attention of a businessman named Maxwell Lord ( Pedro Pascal ) who tried to get the stone to realize his various ambitions.

For a film that has a narrative duration of 151 minutes - ten minutes longer than its predecessor - Wonder Woman 1984 , unfortunately, has an overly minimalistic storytelling foundation - if you don't want to label it as weak quality. 

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The premise presented in the story script by Jenkins together with Geoff Johns ( Aquaman , 2018) and David Callaham ( Zombieland: Double Tap, 2019) regarding the human ambition to rule and rule the world does feel magnificent - and clearly relevant to sharing the latest socio-political issues. However, without the support of plot development and solid conflict, the premise ended up as a half-baked presentation with a tended to be slow and wordy. Never really able to produce a sense of attachment to the story as a whole.

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Even though they are presented nicely by Pascal and Wiig, the excavation of the stories given to the two antagonistic characters that Wonder Woman characters have to face in this film also feels flat. This is coupled with the option to resolve the conflict with the two characters in a hurry and is far from impressive: Wonder Woman's final battle scene with Barbara Minerva / Cheetah is mediocre and ends just like that while the big and complicated problems created by the figure of Maxwell Lord ended with… well … a sermon on the importance of doing good between human beings delivered by the Wonder Woman character. 

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Steve Trevor's character ( Chris Pine) which is brought back in this film actually does not have a crucial meaning other than to, of course, give color to the romance story of Wonder Woman 1984 . Fortunately, the element of romance between the two characters is well managed and often manages to provide warm moments in film presentations.

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The many layers of plot that had to be traversed during Wonder Woman 1984's storytelling indeed made Jenkins' storytelling rhythm feel sluggish. Wonder Woman 1984 might have appeared to be a more lively storyteller if Jenkins chose to get rid of a number of conflicts and minor plots. Even so, it is almost difficult to find moments that have a boring impression in the storytelling of this film. Jenkins is able to concoct his film with a convincing production presentation quality. 

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The action scenes in this film work well with the visual effect arrangement being able to be presented strongly - even though it is far from a special impression when compared to other films of its peers. Musical arrangement by Hans Zimmeris also able to provide an energy boost to many film scenes. The appearance of make-up, clothing, and film artistic design will be able to bring the audience to a convincing '80s nuance.

Of course, Gadot is still the main lifeline for Wonder Woman 1984's presentation . Gadot appears even more convincing as the superhero than his previous appearances. Chemistrywhich he presented along with Pine also looked cute. The elements that create a scene that involves the two will be able to produce a deep emotional touch to anyone who sees it. 

Pascal came with a convincing appearance in exploring the figure of Maxwell Lord who was full of trickery but still had a human touch to his soul. However, it's easy to feel that Wiig is giving off the most eye-catching looks. Wiig is able to give his comic touch to the figure he plays. Unfortunately, the character Barbara Minerva / Cheetah could not be presented with a better storytelling. Fans of the Wonder Woman television series from the 1970s will certainly be satisfied with the presence of Lynda Carter who appears at the end of this film.

Category :entertainment

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