Twitter is being restricted for some users in Russia, the social media company said in a tweet on Saturday, February 26. On Friday, one day after Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow said it was partially limiting access to Meta Platforms' Facebook, accusing it of "censoring" Russian media. Twitter said it was working to keep its service safe and accessible. It did not immediately respond to a question on whether Russia had communicated with the company about any actions.
Twitter is being restricted for some users in Russia, the social media company said in a tweet on Saturday, February 26. On Friday, one day after Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow said it was partially limiting access to Meta Platforms' Facebook, accusing it of "censoring" Russian media. Twitter said it was working to keep its service safe and accessible. It did not immediately respond to a question on whether Russia had communicated with the company about any actions.
Twitter is being restricted for some users in Russia, the social media company said in a tweet on Saturday, February 26. On Friday, one day after Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow said it was partially limiting access to Meta Platforms' Facebook, accusing it of "censoring" Russian media. Twitter said it was working to keep its service safe and accessible. It did not immediately respond to a question on whether Russia had communicated with the company about any actions.
Twitter is being restricted for some users in Russia, the social media company said in a tweet on Saturday, February 26. On Friday, one day after Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow said it was partially limiting access to Meta Platforms' Facebook, accusing it of "censoring" Russian media. Twitter said it was working to keep its service safe and accessible. It did not immediately respond to a question on whether Russia had communicated with the company about any actions.
Twitter is being restricted for some users in Russia, the social media company said in a tweet on Saturday, February 26. On Friday, one day after Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow said it was partially limiting access to Meta Platforms' Facebook, accusing it of "censoring" Russian media. Twitter said it was working to keep its service safe and accessible. It did not immediately respond to a question on whether Russia had communicated with the company about any actions.
Twitter is being restricted for some users in Russia, the social media company said in a tweet on Saturday, February 26. On Friday, one day after Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow said it was partially limiting access to Meta Platforms' Facebook, accusing it of "censoring" Russian media. Twitter said it was working to keep its service safe and accessible. It did not immediately respond to a question on whether Russia had communicated with the company about any actions.
Twitter is being restricted for some users in Russia, the social media company said in a tweet on Saturday, February 26. On Friday, one day after Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow said it was partially limiting access to Meta Platforms' Facebook, accusing it of "censoring" Russian media. Twitter said it was working to keep its service safe and accessible. It did not immediately respond to a question on whether Russia had communicated with the company about any actions.
Twitter is being restricted for some users in Russia, the social media company said in a tweet on Saturday, February 26. On Friday, one day after Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow said it was partially limiting access to Meta Platforms' Facebook, accusing it of "censoring" Russian media. Twitter said it was working to keep its service safe and accessible. It did not immediately respond to a question on whether Russia had communicated with the company about any actions.
Twitter is being restricted for some users in Russia, the social media company said in a tweet on Saturday, February 26. On Friday, one day after Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow said it was partially limiting access to Meta Platforms' Facebook, accusing it of "censoring" Russian media. Twitter said it was working to keep its service safe and accessible. It did not immediately respond to a question on whether Russia had communicated with the company about any actions.
Twitter is being restricted for some users in Russia, the social media company said in a tweet on Saturday, February 26. On Friday, one day after Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow said it was partially limiting access to Meta Platforms' Facebook, accusing it of "censoring" Russian media. Twitter said it was working to keep its service safe and accessible. It did not immediately respond to a question on whether Russia had communicated with the company about any actions.
Twitter is being restricted for some users in Russia, the social media company said in a tweet on Saturday, February 26. On Friday, one day after Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow said it was partially limiting access to Meta Platforms' Facebook, accusing it of "censoring" Russian media. Twitter said it was working to keep its service safe and accessible. It did not immediately respond to a question on whether Russia had communicated with the company about any actions.
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