Everyone has different kinds of hair. Some have thick hair while some have thin hair. Some have bulky hair while some have curly hair. All these require different typestype of attention. A person with silky hair would be less worried about oiling them but a person with bushy hair would be very particular about oiling them.
If we talk about silky hair specifically then they are very light and soft and it is easier to maintain them than other typestype of hair. But in winters, they require different kindskind of attention. Since it is roughis a rough and cold weather, you have to take extra steps to maintain them.
Here, in this article, you will find some really helpful tips on how you can maintain silky hair in winters.
Go for the best:
When it comes to yourcomes your hair. Always pick the best of the best. You do not want to damage them at any cost. Thus, whenever you think of using any product. Research about it thoroughly before you use it. Apart from that, try to pick products that contain coconut oil. Silky hair lack moisture in the winters. Thus, use such products through which you can provide that.
Bring back the oils:
Almost every individual uses oil in winters over his hair. What we need to take care of is the frequency of using it. Oiling your hair once a week in winters will not do much. Although, thrice a week is a good way to go about it. But if you feel your hair is excessively rough then you can oil ityour every night before sleeping. This willThis is will help in bringing the moisture back and keeping the hair health intact.
Take a shower in the morning:
Winters are cold and it is very difficult to take showers in the mornings. But if you have oiled them before sleeping then you have to take a shower in the morning. As you would not want the dust to stick into your hair. Oily hair attracts dust faster than plain hair. Moreover, pick a shampoo that is rich in coconut oil. However, the best way to go about washing the hair would be to wash them on alternate days and not on a dailyin daily basis. As that will give enough time for hair, completely absorb the oil and not become rough.
Stay away from the add-ons:
As said above winter is coldis a cold weather. The wind in this season can get extremely rough which is enough to damage ourdamage to our hair. Dying them, coloring them or blowing air to them would further strengthen the damages. Try to stickstay to the oil, shampoo and conditioner and you will be good to go.
Brush when needed:
Most of the people out of hurry comb their hair when they are wet. Which is a terrible way to damage your hair. When you take athe shower, the hair does not absorb all the water right at that moment. It takes a little time to absorb allabsorb the all of it. Therefore, it is important to leave the hair as it is until it becomes dry and only then should you use the brush. Moreover, women tend to tangle their hair, which is also a way to damage them. Do not tangle them and do not use pins or catchers in them. Give them some time or else you will end up having damaged hair.
Wonders of yogurt:
Yogurt is considered as one of the best natural conditioners when it comes to hair. Mix the yogurt well until it transforms into a paste and then put it over your hair. Cover the hair with a towelwith towel and leave it like that for 15 minutes. Wash your hair after and see the magic of yogurt.
Add egg with yogurt:
Another way to use yogurt over hair is to mix it with an egg. Stir the contentStir content and make it into a paste. Put it over your hair for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off. Adding egg into the yogurt removes the dandruff in the hair and makes them shinier. You can do this twice a week and your hair will stay healthy.
Eat vegetables:
Vegetables contain an immensecontain immense amount of protein and minerals that are needed by our body. Especially in winters the flow of blood in our body slows down and it is upto we to make it fast again. Vegetables are a great way to go about this. Eating them in lunchin the lunch will provide enough energy to the blood cells to travel to the scalp, which will in turn be good for the hair.
These are some of the tips that you can use to maintain silky hair in winters. Using artificial products is not a bad thing but organic products have their own charm and benefit which artificial products do not boost offboost of. That is why this list isis list intentionally kept natural and organic.
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