What makes turmeric so special for skincare?

Author : mubinfaisal
Publish Date : 2021-11-10 00:00:00

What makes turmeric so special for skincare?

Do you know why we slather brides with turmeric paste on their skin before their wedding?

You may be eating turmeric as part of your meal everyday but, apart from being loved as a culinary spice in Pakistani households, turmeric also has numerous skincare benefits.

What is turmeric?

Turmeric plant belongs to the ginger family. It is native to the Indian subcontinent and southEast Asia. It’s rhizomes are boiled in water and dried, after which they are ground to obtain a deep orange powder. This powder is used as colouring and flavouring in cooking. It has a mustard like aroma and a pepper like flavour.

Turmeric possesses a bioactive component called curcumin. This has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and brightening properties. Owing to these factors, turmeric is used in many skincare products.

Glowing skin

Turmeric is rich in antioxidants and is anti-inflammatory. These characteristics make it suitable to improve texture and lustre of the skin. It plays a reviving role and brings out the skin's natural glow.

How to use

You can mix small amounts of yogurt with a tsp of turmeric and a tsp of honey. Put it on your face and wash it after 15 minutes. Incorporate this in your skincare regime and notice the instant effect turmeric has on your skin.

Wound healer

When your skin is wounded, your body reacts to send healing enzymes and white blood cells to prevent any infection. This gives rise to inflammation which causes pain and redness.

The curcumin component of turmeric decreases oxidation and inflammation, thus playing an active role in wound healing. It also lowers the body’s response to cutaneous wounds. This stimulates the wound healing process. Moreover, turmeric can also increase tissue repair and collagen synthesis. Thus, it is a common ingredient in many skincare products associated with wound healing.

It can help cure psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that is characterized by skin cells building on each other because of inflammation. This then creates scaly patches that bleed and crack.

Owing to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric contains enzymes that control the cell production and bleeding and flares associated with psoriasis. You can use turmeric as a supplement or by mixing in your food. The correct dosage should be discussed with your healthcare professional.

How to use

Mix two tsps. Of turmeric powder with two tbsp. of water. Simmer a little bit in a pan, until it gets thick. Let it cool so it achieves a thick consistency. Apply it on the affected area and wrap it up with a gauze. Leave it overnight, remove the gauze in the morning, and wash your skin with warm water.

Acne and acne scarring

Your skin is likely to break out when excess oil and extrinsic stressors block the pores on your skin. Blackheads and whiteheads also appear on your skin.

The bacteria called, propionibacterium acnes, cause acne. This is treated with antibiotics. Turmeric contains antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. A turmeric mask will target the pores and soothe the skin. Thus clearing acne breakouts. Turmeric is also known to reduce post acne scarring.

How to use

You can combine turmeric with aloe Vera, honey, apple cider vinegar and yogurt. For instance you can mix together a tsp of turmeric with two tbsps. Of yogurt. Yogurt contains lactic acid, which is effective for treating acne. Apply it on your face. Leave it on for ten minutes till it dries up. Then wash your face with water. Repeat it in your skincare regime thrice a week for best results.

Scabies treatment

This condition is a result of microscopic mites called Sarcoptes scabiei, which burrow under the skin. An itchy rash on your skin characterizes it.

How to use

You can use a combination of neem and turmeric to treat scabies. You can boil neem leaves in water, together with some turmeric powder in a saucepan. Then you can apply the mixture on the affected areas. You can also take a tablet of turmeric on a regular basis to get rid of scabies.

Combat sun damage

You cannot avoid the sun and with it the exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which is the skin's worst enemy. It causes fine lines, wrinkles, suntan and hyperpigmentation. Nevertheless, turmeric can help you reverse any damage caused by sun exposure.

The antioxidant property of turmeric prevents free radicals like UV rays and pollutants from affecting the elasticity of your skin. Moreover, it blocks the enzyme elastase, which renders the skin unsuitable for producing elastin, a compound that gives structure to your skin. If the elastase level is not balanced, the body will not produce sufficient proteins, causing wrinkles and fine lines.

How to use

To remove suntan, mix equal parts of honey and turmeric together in a bowl. Add two drops of lemon juice to it. Apply on your skin and let it rest for 15 minutes. Wash off thoroughly with water. Repeat this procedure every night before going to sleep in your skincare routine until you get the desired results.

Get rid of unwanted hair

It is suggested that curcuma oil from the turmeric family reduces hair growth on the body. However, the time depends on the texture of your hair. Thinner hair will reach more quickly to thick ones.

How to use

Combine 2 tbsp. turmeric powder, half-cup milk and half-cup flour in a bowl. Apply this paste on your skin with unwanted hair. Let it dry for ten minutes and wash off with water. If you are ready to put in some effort to clear your skin off those unwanted hair, you can use it daily in your skincare regime.

With its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, it is no surprise that turmeric is used in many skincare products. Applying it regularly in your skincare will give you a radiant complexion and rid you of other skin issues.
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