Surprising Benefits And Advantages of Mushrooms on Human Body

Author : mubinfaisal
Publish Date : 2021-11-25 00:00:00

Surprising Benefits And Advantages of Mushrooms on Human Body

You cannot eat a lot of mushrooms (this is not only difficult, but also contraindicated), but if you know when to stop, then you can even do yourself a little benefit. What it is, what will happen if you sort out with mushrooms, how to collect and cook them correctly, we learned from nutritionists and in the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor. Without harm to health, you can eat about 120-150 grams of mushrooms per day . If there are no diseases that limit their use, then mushrooms can be eaten every day without harm to health. The main contraindications for the use of mushrooms are exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, duodenitis, pancreatitis, renal and hepatic failure. Nutritionists do not recommend salted and fried mushrooms if you are prone to stool disorders.

“Mushrooms are a difficult-to-digest product, they contain a lot of fungal fiber - chitin, which is not only indigestible, but also makes it difficult for digestive juices to access digestible substances,” says dietitian Galina Bartashevich. - Therefore, mushroom dishes are recommended for absolutely healthy people who do not suffer from diseases of the digestive tract. Before cooking, it is recommended to boil all the mushrooms for ten minutes, drain the broth, rinse the boiled mushrooms and then cook them as usual. Pre-boiling the mushrooms will help to significantly reduce the content of toxic elements in them. Experts advise to soak the mushrooms collected on their own in warm salt water for 30 minutes , then rinse with clean running water until all the dirt is washed off. If you bought mushrooms from a store, and the packaging does not indicate that they were rinsed, wipe them with a clean, damp cloth. Mushrooms are rich in vitamins and nutrients that have an anti-tumor effect and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

“Mushrooms contain protein ( 65–70% of the total amount of substances), vitamins B and C, nicotinic and folic acids, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron,” says dietitian Galina Bartashevich. - All these elements have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular and central nervous system, strengthen bone tissue and have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis. At the same time, mushrooms, as a plant product, do not contain cholesterol.

In addition, the carbohydrates in mushrooms are dietary fiber. It helps lower blood glucose levels, so mushrooms may be beneficial for people with diabetes. As for the antitumor effect of fungi, experts associate it with proteins lectins - these "traps for tumor cells" are being actively investigated in oncology. But this does not mean that you need to lean on mushrooms to protect yourself from cancer. Lectins tend to accumulate in the body, and their large accumulation causes an acute autoimmune reaction.

Dr. Stephen Gundry, in his book The Longevity Paradox, writes that, among other things, mushrooms help maintain youth. The two main anti-aging components of fungi that protect the body from free radicals and help maintain youth (ergothioneine and glutathione) have been pinpointed by scientists only recently.

“Of all the species tested, to date, the largest amount of polyphenols found in porcini mushrooms,” says Stephen Gundry. - The second place is occupied by widely popular champignons. Unlike many products, mushrooms retain all their beneficial properties even when cooked. Another reason to include mushrooms in your diet is the polyamines they contain, which are substances that promote longevity. There are many of them in the body of centenarian centenarians. The calorie content of mushrooms, depending on the type, is from 9 to 35 kcal per 100 grams of fresh product. The most high-calorie are boletus, but the black mushroom (black mushroom) has the lowest energy value. You can not bypass the champignons. They are not "empty", but very useful. These mushrooms are 91% water, their calorie content is 27 kcal (per 100 grams of product), and in terms of the amount of vitamins and nutrients, champignons look attractive.

“B vitamins have a calming effect on the nervous system,” says psychotherapist-nutritionist Anna Ivashkevich. - People living in megalopolises, working intellectually, at the computer, mushrooms will be especially useful. Champignons relieve headaches, improve memory, thought processes and other brain activity. Their regular use prevents the development of stress, depression, neuroses. The beneficial properties of champignons are reflected in the condition of hair and nails. Mushrooms help maintain youthfulness, beauty, both inside and out. They improve the condition of the skin, saturate it with moisture, give elasticity, and prevent premature aging. Due to the low calorie content of champignons, these mushrooms are used in many diets. At the same time, a person receives all the necessary trace elements, vitamins, proteins. And champignons are also low in sodium, so they can be eaten with high blood pressure, persistent hypertension, obesity and in other cases when, due to medical indicators, you need to eat less salt.

“Due to the lack of fats and sugars, mushrooms can be included in the diet of people with type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus , atherosclerosis,” says Anna Ivashkevich. - Champignons do not participate in the formation of cholesterol plaques, do not clog blood vessels. A large amount of fiber in the product improves digestion, conducts natural cleansing of the large intestine from toxins, deposits, stones. This contributes to a better assimilation of nutrients, the health of the body as a whole. According to Rospotrebnadzor, about a thousand people are poisoned with mushrooms in Russia every year. Approximately 30 cases of them are fatal. People with poor health and children are the most severely affected by mushroom poisoning. The child's body does not yet have the necessary amount of enzymes for their digestion.

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