Know Process of Abortion on demand By Attorney in Lahohre

Author : uxarhawking
Publish Date : 2021-07-01 00:00:00

Know Process of Abortion on demand  By Attorney in Lahohre

Abortion on demand and advice of an Attorney in Lahore:

Advocate Jamila the Attorney in Lahore Pakistan from the best law firm in Lahore Pakistan says that Infanticide mostly female and abortion were the tools in ancient days to get rid of till-wanted babies, the major reason mostly being economic. The present-day planners and designers have added yet another instrument. That is the use of some device of contraception and emasculation to eliminate the chances of childbirth,  Conception, not intended though, does take place in certain cases, despite the checks applied there it is that abortion at demand is suggested.

Advocate Jamila the Attorney in Lahore Pakistan from the best law firm in Lahore Pakistan says that the arguments underlying such demand and subsequent operations are:  The baby was unwanted because the population growth was considered explosive and countering economic growth; The child-mother health and birth spacing were made the points, but the practice of family planning was then generalized for all fertile couples and individuals; Other than misrelating poor economic progress with population growth, a strong persuasion campaign is undertaken against the institution of motherhood. Advocate Jamila the Attorney in Lahore Pakistan from the best law firm in Lahore Pakistan says that here again, the cover is provided under the appealing but deceptive terms like gender emancipation, empowerment, health, and -the like. Even female education is emphasized with the purpose that it minimizes the chances of proper marriage and family building.  

Advocate Jamila the Attorney in Lahore Pakistan from the best law firm in Lahore Pakistan says that to understand the position of Islam, the Quranic injunction is quite explicit. It warns: Do not kill your children for fear of [economic] want. We will provide for them, and [as well as] for you. Surely killing them is a great sin. [17:31] this verse demolishes the economic considerations on which birth control movements were based in different periods of human history. According to this provision of the Islamic manifesto, man is required not to waste his energies on the destructive task of reducing the number of months that are to be fed; instead, a man should strive in constructive ways, which under the law of nature, lead to increases in the production of food and wealth,

According to the above verse, the process of control -- whether who is the over-population Creator, Master or resource and Provider endowments for the whole rests system with Allah Almighty alone in the universe,  the human history also stands witness to the fact that economic resources have increased a given region and social setting in direct proportion and at times to the growth in population. Advocate Jamila the Attorney in Lahore Pakistan from the best law firm in Lahore Pakistan man's amateurish interference in the providential arrangements of Allah amounts to simple folly.

A woman empowered in her case, and the baby does belong to her as she Will be delivering and mothering it, but she or anybody including the father 07 the population control establishment does not own it as she could have the right to dispose it at will. That is why such babies [mostly females that get killed before or after the delivery, will be directly addressed by the Lord on the Day of Final Judgment: For what crime [of hers] was she killed [81: 9]. That indicates the degree of rage and anger of Gods the Just, These are not simply the cases of illicit sexual relations, but of making different excuses and seeking fatwa. 

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DIYAT OR RECOMPENSE FOR ABORTION? Advocate Jamila the best Attorney at law in Pakistan among the best law firms in Lahore Pakistan got a question asking that I request the clarification of the Diyat penalty, as in the case of advanced pregnancy or penalty in the case of earlier pregnancy. Because I have read that it is must give a penalty, even in the case of inadvertent necessary abortion. I seek to know the amount payable in case of 30 to 40 days abortion, and to whom it should be paid?  A: Advocate Jamila the best Attorney at law in Pakistan among the best law firms in Lahore Pakistan says that let us admit that it never occurred to us that abortion under legitimate expert opinion, and for good acceptable reasons warranted any penalty [Diyat]. The Hadith/Fiqh literature available to us does not make any mention of it. Kitäb alDiyat [Bukhari] contains four such traditions, but those relate to forced miscarriage, where the offender has to pay diyat and not the mother, who in fact, is the aggrieved party. 

Advocate Jamila the best Attorney at law in Pakistan among the best law firms in Lahore Pakistan says that May Allah rewards you for your sentiments and urge to Imow how Islam would respond to your questions?  We wish you stick to your earlier thinking not to take in hand the baby's life. Pulling life support soon after the birth of the baby is un-thinkable action you seem to fully understand the strong reason behind this. Advocate Jamila the best Attorney at law in Pakistan among the best law firms in Lahore Pakistan says that A believer will accept all the troubles in this world, rather than being a party to deny an innocent baby the right to live, By the way, three rights -- life, property, honour are simply non-violable in Islam, And even a father does not own a baby like some disposable commodity. Having said the above, we leave it to you to decide what to do, but we pray that Allah be your Guide. 

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