Wife’s right of khula in Pakistan:
Jameela Law Associates is an expert of women rights and khula in Pakistan through divorce procedure in Pakistan. In Islam, the rights of the wife are well established and protected both legally and socially. Unfortunately, however, a greater number of husbands and men-folk in general, are either ignorant of these rights, or willfully violate them however a wife can seek khula in Pakistan through divorce procedure in Pakistan as right. A lady enters the marriage contract through her absolute free choice, No marriage is solemnized without her consent.
While the husband is assigned by Allah the right to divorce procedure in Pakistan, the wife has the right to seek separation through khula in Pakistan. If the husband does not agree to a separation, it can and should be enforced through the court's intervention. The household expenditure is to be met by my husband, as a wife is not obliged to take or share this burden, even if she is rich, she may, but that will be a favorite. She has the right to have a separate dwelling, particularly if the husband possesses means to arrange one. She has the right to own property, received through various sources of inheritance, earned or enhanced through gainful investment,
She may ask for a maid/want to do household chores, and cannot be compelled to do these jobs herself as an obligation, Legally, she has right of khula in Pakistan through divorce procedure in Pakistan and cannot be compelled even to breast-feed her baby. That arrangement is the responsibility of the father but she can never deny bed sharing unless it was physically not possible. This is one area in which Shariah asks her to comply with her husband's desire, as a mother, she enjoys priority over her husband to be looked after and served by their children (sons). Having listed some of the rights as above, it is admitted that women in our society are deprived of what Allah granted them
LOVE AND FAMILY Q: I am writing to you from America. If you could please help me and pass on some valuable faith, Quranic verses on Love in the Islamic Family and tell something about khula in Pakistan.
A: You have specifically asked about love in a Muslim family, probably seeking the nature of the relationship between husband and wife. We shall not burden you will a long quote. Let the following brief references suffice: l. Chapter 30, verse 21 of al-Qur'an [And of His Signs is that He created "latest for you from yourselves that you might find peace of mind in them, and He put between you love and compassion] speaks of how love and compassion have been divinely put between the two sexes, around which the whole marital network is to revolve and peace of mind attained; Chapter 7, verse 189 [it is He Who created from a single person, and made his state of like nature so that he might dwell with her — in love] mentions the creation of mates for mutual comfort, Chapter 2, verse 187 describes marital tie in terms of husband and wife being (like) apparel for each other — that is, a source of protection as well as a beauty [they are your garments and ye are their garments].
Thus love, compassion, and care make the real essence of the marital system in Islam and khula in Pakistan through divorce procedure in Pakistan is also a right of wife. This objective then permeates all laws framed by Islam that regulate family life. When generous mutual respect becomes impossible for any good reason, then the way to separation is kept open, because, without the peace of mind, love, and affection, family life is not 'thinkable in Islam.
This is the major reason for allowing khula in Pakistan through divorce procedure in Pakistan in contrast to what we find in the orthodox Christian traditions. To this effect please refer to Chapter 4, verse 129-130, verse 229 of Chapter 2 and 2:237 and 65:2 in the Quran. Add to these verses from the Quran, one of the most referred sayings of the Prophet (peace be upon him): The best amongst you is one who cares most of his family and you grasp the nature of family life in Islam.
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Q: Given that Islam advocates a fair treatment of both men and women in their daily life and ability to perform religious duties, I wonder if you have any opinions to the following concerns, which may reflect Islam's ability to provide fairness and compassion for me as a woman? I fully recognize that my liberty, responsibility and honor should never be attained at the expense of my husband. Some people (like Qasim Amin of Egypt) say that polygamy calls for equal justice for all wives
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