Get Know About The Untraceable husband and divorce certificate in Pakistan

Author : uxarhawking
Publish Date : 2021-07-05 00:00:00

Get Know About The Untraceable husband and divorce certificate in Pakistan

Untraceable husband and divorce certificate in Pakistan:

Advocate Jamila the best divorce lawyer in Lahore Pakistan is an expert in obtaining divorce certificate in Pakistan  Q: A couple was leading a happy married life when the husband suddenly disappeared. The wife has a 7 years old child from him. And it has been almost 9 years that the husband disappeared.

There are no clues about whether he is dead or alive. How long should she wait to obtain divorce certificate in Pakistan so that she marries another man?  A: You must have heard that the Hanafi school originally, suggested 90 days in case of mafqucl al-Khabar [one whose whereabouts are not known], which anybody could see is not quite practical the purpose seems to ban the lady's second marriage without clearly ascertaining the whereabouts of the disappeared husband. In practice, however, the Hanafi issued a fatwa based on the Maliki school, in which case the lady has to wait for 6 years.

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Going by the ruling, the lady in question, having waited for her husband for almost 9 years, should be allowed to get married again, if she so wishes but as per Pakistani law you can hire a divorce lawyer in Lahore Pakistan and after obtaining divorce certificate in Pakistan she can get married.  

Q: A Muslim man in a western country has his wife and 7 years old daughter living in their native place. Due to financial problems, he demands a divorce certificate in Pakistan from her so that he could marry a foreign lady to get proper work authorization. He says he will divorce that lady and remarry his wife once he has settled his problems.

He insisted that he is doing all this only to solve debt and visa problems and that he loves his wife very much and also that the foreign lady is willingly helping him being aware of his problems. But his wife refuses to go along. In the meanwhile, he hired a divorce lawyer in Lahore and applies for divorce certificate in Pakistan and gets it in a foreign country and married the foreign lady.  

A: First of all, the man should repent for this cruel treatment of a lady who posed her confidence in him and offered her hand believing that she will receive due love and care. We wish she remains steadfast and never lets him be her husband again.  Better that he stays happy with his foreign wife and with his settled problems — citizenship, job, social security, and the rest.

 Let us give answers to the various points raised here:  The wife stands divorced after divorce certificate in Pakistan through divorce lawyer in Lahore Pakistan, and as one year has passed it is taläq-e-bain (i.e. he cannot revoke it). He can marry his ex-wife but through her free will and consent. The re-marriage through fresh nikah neither haram nor complex, provided he has not announced talaq three times as Fake divorce' to one's- wife for some c work authorization, and" marrying another lady, with an idea to divorce her too once one's problems are solved, are both haram.

These are monkey-tricks that Islam does not allow. It makes no difference that the foreign lady is lending a helping hand or doing this all quite willingly. This marriage arrangement with the second lady resembles mutah/ which the Prophet (peace be upon Him) forbidden forever. For details about divorce certificate in Pakistan you can contact the best divorce lawyer in Lahore Advocate Jamila.

Walima and marriage certificate Nadra: Jamila Law Associates is the top firm for issuing marriage certificate Nadra and Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan. Allah/s Messenger has disallowed us to take food of two such people who serve a meal to outdo one another arrogance and ostentation are the reasons for the prohibition after marriage certificate Nadra and Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan.  Thus, participation in such weddings is disallowed clearly when ostentation and pride are behind it.  (Asbab ul Ghaflah Din was Dunia, P-484)

 THE CLAMP AND RELIGIOUS LEADERS MUST NOT ATTEND every custom was observed in the marriage of my step-sister from my mother's side. Women instigated her mother to shun every caution on the marriage of her sole daughter; they attend the marriage itself though not the customs that I deplore. Marriage itself is sunnah and I will surely participate. 

My mother, the innocent woman, fell into their instigation. The wedding procession was to come on Fridays I offered the Friday Salah in the main mosque and directly boarded a train to Bhayani. There, I did not say anything, not even to my family members. When it was the time of, Maghrib, they looked out for me that I might conduct the marriage resulting in marriage certificate Nadra and Nadra divorce certificate in Pakistan, but they could not find me, I went late on next day that I might not see anything of evil, All the family members repented their mistake because did not attend, They agreed that everything was extravagant and would not do such a thing again. By the grace of Allah, never has such a thing been done again in my family after that. (Al-Ifadat al Yawmiyah. P362). 

Category :lawyer

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