How Yoga Nidra Can Help You Get Better Sleep

Publish Date : 2021-12-03 00:00:00

How Yoga Nidra Can Help You Get Better Sleep

The Yoga Nidra is gaining fame and the limelight with every passing day. More and more individuals are getting attracted to this form of yoga that relieves the individual and is a perfect treatment after a stressful day or weekend. One of the most famous uses of the Yoga Nidra is its sleep benefits and thus it is also called sleep yoga


What is Yoga?

Yoga is the art and practice of joining the internal with that of the external.  It involves the yoga poses and asanas that have been carried down from generation to generation and have been improvised through the ages. This practice has gained wide recognition throughout the years because of the huge amount of benefits.

One of the branches or types of the practice involves the art of yoga therapy or therapeutic yoga. This type of yoga is mainly focused on specific diseases and problems of the body and mind. The Yoga Nidra or sleep yoga is one of the forms of yoga therapy which has a tremendous amount of uses and benefits.


What is Yoga Nidra?

The word Yoga Nidra can be divided into two words the "Yoga" and "Nidra”. While yoga means to unite, yoke or to join, the word Nidra can be translated to sleep. Thus Yoga Nidra is nothing but the art of united or psychic sleep.

The Yoga Nidra involves the conscious flow of chakra and energy to every part of the body while you are in a psychic form of sleep. This type of practice has a variety of physical and mental benefits. This includes reduction of physical pains, better flow of blood and oxygen, reduction of stress, healthy and better sleep cycles, etc.


How does Yoga Nidra or Sleep Yoga help to get better sleep?

In this article, we will analyze and see how Yoga Nidra can be used to help get better sleep. As the name of this pose suggests the main aim of this yoga pose or asana is to improve the sleeping patterns a sleep quality of the individual. Thus you can help get a night of better sleep with the help of Yoga Nidra in the following way:

  • The Yoga Nidra is very frequently used as a sleep tool to cure the problems of insomnia. One of the main reasons for problems in sleep is the underlying negative energy and stress that an individual experiences in their daily lives. The practice of sleep yoga over time helps to reduce the occurrences of negative energy in the body. This in turn reduces stress and as a result, helps to get better sleep.


  • Sleep yoga is performed by lying down on the yoga mat by stretching the body and being overly comfortable. When one consciously practices the art of Nidra they can direct their body and mind towards shutting down when needed. Continuous practice of this process helps to shut the brain and stop overthinking and thus help get a faster, healthier, and more sleep.


  • The art of Yoga Nidra is a part of the sleep meditation part of yoga. Many famous yoga schools today have included the teachings of Yoga Nidra Teacher Training Online in their curriculum. This is because of the tremendous benefits of this yoga form that includes reducing various bodily problems like joint pains and muscle aches. Now that you won't have the physical pains keeping you awake you will be able to get more and sounder sleep.


  • One of the benefits of the Yoga Nidra is that it improves the Cognitive Ability of the individual by increasing their tolerance level. This in turn increases brain capacity and reduces the instances of anxiety problems. As a result of this, individuals can achieve better sleep cycles and a night of healthier sleep.


  • While practicing sleep yoga the individuals are required to focus on every part of their body which includes both the upper, middle and lower parts of the body. This is a very good method to be aware of your body parts and their importance. As a result, the individual will be able to understand and unify their physical body parts with their mental energy. These in turn provide deep relaxation and as a result improve and help in getting better sleep.


  • The practice of Yoga Nidra involves a constant and conscious transfer of energy and chakra movement throughout the body. This helps to increase oxygen and a more efficient blood supply in the body. It also helps to improve and make organ functions more effective thus making sleep more efficient and better.


  • Some of the other major benefits of sleep yoga are that it is a great way to ensure uniform glucose levels in the blood and also helps to maintain blood cholesterol. Additionally, it also helps to reduce problems of neck pains, spine problems, and backaches. This benefit in turn helps the individual achieve more and better sleep quality.

Today, more users of the form of sleep yoga have documented that sleep yoga is one of the best and most effective ways of solving the problems of sleep and getting a good night's sleep. Thus from the above points, it is very clearly evident that Yoga Nidra is one of the best methods to achieve more sleep. If you are one who is planning for the yoga Nidra session then I highly recommend you check out the yoga school in Rishikesh for the best yoga nidra teacher training course

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