How To Practice Moon Salutation

Publish Date : 2021-12-14 00:00:00

How To Practice Moon Salutation

We all, as a congregation, with everything put up with into summary control crooked, including lives nowadays, and imperativeness can eternally be hard to trail down. This cutting-edge work is trying for everybody to go to the center. The manner in which a lot of individuals devour juiced drinks or energized drinks for boosting their energy to continue past the day, yet that you know there is another choice; yes, you heard right, it is exact, and it is yoga. There are a few yoga acts that can manage you all the more deliberately and approved. Yoga requires heaps of twisting of the back, which greases up movability in one’s spine, expands the chest, and heaves one’s energy. In this article, we will talk about moon salutation.

About Moon Salutation

The Moon Salutation referred to in Sanskrit as “Chandra Namaskara” (SHAHN-drah Nah-muh-SKAR-uh), is a progression of postures a specific succession to make a cooling stream of development. Like the famous Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskara), each pose in a Moon Salutation is facilitated with your breathing: Inhale to expand, and breathe out to twist. In any case, in contrast to Sun Salutations, which are warming and animating, Moon Salutations are cooling and calming. They are utilized to quiet the brain and draw your mindfulness internally. Moon Salutations are helpful when energy or temperatures are high, and a peaceful, calm presence is required. One can master the moon salutation in the 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh held by the well-known Yoga school in Rishikesh.

How To Do It

  • Come to remain in Tadasana, in the focal point of your tangle confronting the long edge, submits petition position at the heart community. Shut your eyes and draw the concentrate inwards, getting on to your breath and conceivably thinking about briefly how the moon affects you and the earth.
  • Urdhva Hastasana/Upward Salute: Open your eyes, breathe in and broaden your arms outwards and upwards, joining your fingers, forefingers pointing skywards. 
  • Standing Crescent Pose: Exhale and arch to one side, expanding long through the left side, right from the external left foot to the forefingers’ tips. Keep your lower gut attractive and up to secure your lower back. Breathe in to focus and breathe out and twist to one side. Breathe in back to focus.
  • Goddess Pose: Exhale, step the feet segregated, toes pointing somewhat out. Mollify the knees and squat, restraining the knees in congruence with the lower legs and the back straight. Arms twist at the elbows to a 90-degree point, fingers in Anjali mudra (thumb and pointer contacting).
  • Trikonasana/Triangle Pose: Inhale, turn the two feet to one side, arms outstretched and corresponding to the floor. Breathe out, arrive at a long ridiculous leg. Lower the right hand to the lower leg or shin and stretch out the left arm to the sky. Breathe in and turn the chest to the sky.
  • Parsvottonasana/Pyramid Pose: Exhale, bring your left arm down to outline your right foot with the right hand, swivel the back foot considerably further, and turn the two hips forward overlay over your right (straight) leg.
  • Lurch over a right foot: Inhale, step the left foot back and twist the correct knee so you come into a thrust position. Ensure the knee remains in accordance with the lower leg and push the left thigh up and back.
  • Skandasana/Wide-legged squat over right leg: Exhale, carry two hands to the floor to the large toe side of your correct foot. Turn inwards ready of the correct foot and pivot your body to the front of the tangle. The left leg is expanded, toes highlight the roof. If your equilibrium permits it, unite your hands in Anjuli Mudra (petition position) or keep your hands lying on the floor.
  • Goddess Pose: Inhale, return to a squat in the focal point of your tangle – Goddess present with turns in petition position. Breathe out – knees in accordance with lower legs, back straight, chest open.

Now we turn towards the left leg and ‘rewind’ the postures we have effectively done.


If you are interested in taking the teacher training course then 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is the one if you are practicing yoga for 1 year or so and if you are a complete beginner then 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is the one which you should opt for. 


Benefits Of It

  • Moon Salutation (Chandra Namaskar) helps open the hips more profoundly expanding in adaptability with the extending of the hamstrings, quadriceps, pelvis, and gluteus maximus (bum) muscles.
  • This variety of Moon Salutation assists with opening the heart with the extending of the shoulders and arms alongside side curves and back twists.
  • The act of Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation) gives rise to a total chakra balance. The preliminary three chakras are invigorated with the hip. The forward twist exemplifies the fourth, and the fifth chakras are invigorated with the backbend and the kickoff of the shoulders and arms. Lastly, the last three chakras are enlivened with forwarding curves and side twists.
  • Since the whole body is extended alongside the chakras, the different frameworks in the body are likewise in balance like respiratory, circulatory, stomach related, regenerative, and sensory systems.
  • The act of Moon Salutation (Chandra Namaskar) fabricates the ladylike side of the human body that is vital for a calm and quiet body. Henceforth, ladies can profit from this training to improve wellbeing and ripeness.

To Sum It Up

In this article, we have discussed moon salutation, how to practice it, and its benefits. We have also mentioned the best yoga school in Rishikesh, where one can visit and master their postures and attend the yoga teacher training.

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