How is yoga good for you? Let's take a look at the main cons and pros of doing yoga. Is it worth spending time on yoga for a person leading a healthy lifestyle?
Yoga originated in India between the third and second millennium BC. It is to this period that seals with images of people in yoga poses, found on the banks of the Indus River, belong.
Modern yoga has many directions and styles. The main ones are: Iyengar, Ashtanga Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Vini Yoga, Yogabit, Kundalini, Power Yoga, Trai Yoga, Hatha Yoga.
Yoga classes consist of three parts - initial, main and final. Their specificity depends on the chosen direction of yoga.
The lesson can begin with chanting a mantra, a short relaxation or warm-up. It is important for a beginner to keep a close eye on what the teacher is doing and try not to miss out on small details.
The bulk usually includes exercise practice. When performing asanas, you need to listen to your feelings and stop performing the exercise if you suddenly feel pain or severe discomfort.
At the end of the lesson, the students lay down on the rugs with their eyes closed, performing the so-called "corpse pose" - shavasana. It allows you to achieve the highest relaxation and recuperate after exercise. The duration of shavasana depends on the chosen yoga style.
In general terms, a yoga class goes like this. But is yoga good for you?
Pros of yoga
1. General improvement of the body
Yoga is called a unique healing system for the body. It allows you to find inner harmony and improve the work of all organs. The philosophy of yoga helps to get rid of bad habits and join a healthy lifestyle.
2. Harmony with the outside world. Getting rid of stress and negative experiences
Yoga allows you to plunge into your inner world and get to know yourself better. The exercises are aimed at revealing your potential, finding harmony and tranquility. Being able to relax while relaxing can help you get rid of negative experiences. The ability to breathe deeply helps to remain calm and reasonable in stressful situations.
3. Relief from back and joint pain
In yoga there is a whole range of exercises that have a relaxing and tonic effect on our body. It has been proven that the effectiveness in the fight against back and joint pain is comparable to the use of medications.
4. Improving posture
Yoga practice has a strengthening effect on the muscle corset. Posture improves, gait becomes more confident.
5. Acceleration of metabolism and weight loss
In yoga, there are special exercises aimed at improving the digestive tract and, as a result, speeding up the metabolism. Yoga cannot be classified as a quick way to lose weight. However, regular yoga practice promotes gradual weight loss.
6. Cleansing the body
Regular yoga practice helps to train the internal organs. It improves digestion and stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body.
7. Boost immunity
Exercise activates lymph circulation, restores the internal balance of organs and improves the body's resistance to infections and bacteria.
8. Improving mental ability
Practicing yoga meditation stimulates mental activity, improves memory and trains concentration. Exercise improves blood flow and oxygenates the brain.
9. Age doesn't matter
Yoga can be practiced at any age, regardless of the level of physical fitness.
10. Time and place don't matter
Yoga classes do not require specific equipment. Therefore, you can practice anywhere.
The time of the classes does not really matter either. The benefits of yoga classes in the morning, at lunchtime, in the evening - will be equivalent.
Cons of Yoga
High tuition fees and difficulties in finding a real teacher. Teaching yoga is a real paradise for all kinds of charlatans and sectarians.
The possibility of injuries and exacerbation of old diseases is a wrong practice, threatens not only with ordinary opposite injuries (sprains, dislocations, etc.), but also the development of chronic diseases of internal organs and the musculoskeletal system.
Yoga is not fitness and not a sport, it is impossible to do it as an option - you either subordinate your whole lifestyle to it, or you will fail.
Yoga is not only a set of exercises. This is, first of all, a special philosophy that changes the worldview, leads to a change in the style of behavior, changes habits, and penetrates into all spheres of life.
Everyone can achieve this goal by maintaining a spiritual lifestyle that is characterized by moral restraint, ethical discipline and a healthy lifestyle. The implementation of such a system of life will help a person to maintain their physical strength in a balanced state and develop their mental and spiritual abilities. As control over the body, feelings and consciousness develops, and as the latent capabilities of the body and consciousness develop, the changes that occur in the life of a yoga practitioner lead to psychological harmony, mental balance and a positive attitude. Yoga is a science that provides methods for achieving such a state.
The physical basis of yoga is: asanas, mudras, bandhas, kriyas, pranayama, as well as moral restrictions and adherence to certain rules. These practices optimize the body and mind for spiritual advancement. The guidance of a guru and constant personal effort are essential for the practice of yoga.
Properly performed yogic practices help to keep your body in good shape, balance and improve your mental capacity. All this contributes to spiritual progress.
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