Almost all specialists who have studied collagen agree that the decrease in flexibility and mobility in the joints with age is a consequence of the "aging" of collagen in the connective tissues. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body (constituting 30-35% of total protein). It mainly consists of muscles, bones, skin, tendons. It is collagen that is responsible for the condition and elasticity of the skin, ensuring the movement and flexibility of the joints. The loss of collagen in the body, both men and women, increases markedly after 30-35 years. Intense workouts, exercise, antioxidant stress, and tanning can speed up this process. The destruction of collagen can also be affected by bad habits, especially smoking. Because of this, smokers often look older than their age.
Signs of collagen deficiency:
Sources of Collagen
Collagen is found in many foods, both animal and vegetable. The best source of collagen are beef, turkey, seafood, bone broth. Foods rich in vitamins A and C can also help optimize collagen production. For example, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, onions, garlic, bell peppers, green leafy vegetables. It would seem that if you use these products in sufficient quantities, you can easily replenish the reserves of this useful protein. However, everything is not so simple. The fact is that the collagen coming from foodstuffs, firstly, is partially destroyed during heat treatment, and secondly, it is not completely absorbed by the body.
Supplementation with collagen
Supplementation can ensure that a person gets enough collagen. The fact is that hydrolyzed collagen is used as part of such products . This form has greater bioavailability, since during the enzymatic hydrolysis of collagen, its molecule is split into fractions, which facilitates the absorption of the substance through the gastrointestinal tract and accelerates its entry into the blood.
With regular use of hydrolyzed collagen, you can achieve visible results in a shorter time, prevent serious problems of the musculoskeletal system (osteoporosis, joint diseases, arthritis and arthrosis), and also improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails.
Collagen is a building protein in the body. Its main role is to make the bones strong, the joints flexible, and the skin supple and elastic. It is a connecting substance that creates a muscular and bone frame in the human body. With the help of collagen, blood vessels and internal organs function. Its task is to restore, nourish and protect the whole organism. Age-related changes negatively affect its level, so it is necessary to replenish its reserves in time.
With each year of a person's life, the synthesis of this protein is noticeably reduced, which negatively affects health. In addition to internal changes, other changes are noticeable that negatively affect the appearance. The lack of collagen creates the following problems: fragility of bones, wear and tear of the joints; aging of the muscular frame; deterioration in the condition of the skin; the appearance of wrinkles, folds on the skin. To slow down the aging process, scientists have been looking for options to replace the collagen produced by the body for several decades. At the moment, in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic field, you can find various products based on this protein. They help replenish its reserves, improve appearance, and improve health. To produce this product, it is necessary to find its source in nature. Most often, collagen is produced from raw materials of animal origin. For this, horns, skins, meat and bone mixture of birds are used. To eliminate the possibility of allergic reactions and reduce the presence of contraindications, the resulting bone base is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. After grinding with the help of chemical processes, collagen is separated from it. For this, acids are used, as well as special enzymes. The resulting mass settles, undergoes purification. Each manufacturer uses its own collagen production technology, which it tries not to disclose. Large companies produce protein only from healthy animals that have not been grown with hormones or antibiotics. However, despite the high class of products, consumers are in no hurry to purchase them. This is due to the large size of the molecules, which only superficially have a beneficial effect on the human body. They are able to moisturize the skin and quickly heal wounds. But at the same time, the use of animal protein does not affect the level of collagen in the body. herbal products Natural plant cultures cannot produce collagen on their own. However, thanks to special technology, it began to be extracted from wheat. In its composition, it is very similar to protein of animal origin. This is a good alternative that has a positive effect on the body.
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