What you need to know about starting a career in online writing?

Publish Date : 2022-01-29 00:00:00

What you need to know about starting a career in online writing?

Are you looking for rewriting guidance or trying to find the best online writing platform to use for your project?

Manilia Philippines - Do you have a fantastic story in you that is just waiting to be discovered?

The process of finding a publisher or becoming self-published formally took years and a lot of money. However, thanks to the internet, we can now share our tales with millions of people in a matter of seconds by simply clicking a few buttons.

Here are some pointers to help you start your internet writing career!

Maintain a clear separation between the editing process and the authoring process.

It is unlikely that your masterpiece will be completed on the first attempt. The first draught is generally referred to as the puke draft, which is a good thing! Don't get too caught up in the rules of grammar and other aspects of writing. Simply put, get your thoughts down on paper.

In the second draft, you'll be able to flesh out the plot and characters, as well as make any structural changes that may be necessary. The third draft is the point at which you begin refining and proofreading your work.

Allow yourself some breathing room before you begin rewriting so that you may examine each draught with fresh eyes.

Show, don't tell is the rule of thumb in this situation.

Writing that is well-crafted gives the reader the sense that they are watching the action unfold right in front of their very eyes.

Make use of adverbs only when absolutely necessary. Don't just say that your protagonist is enraged; explain why. Alternatively, demonstrate the character's movements and body language in your own words. Maybe he went through the door with his foot and banged it. Perhaps he was intoxicated and decided to toss a wine glass against the wall.

One further recommendation is to allow your reader to experience the story from the perspective of the characters. Make use of their train of thought to explain what is happening, what they are experiencing, and the feelings that are prompted by these occurrences.

Don't underestimate the influence that your readers have on you.

To attract a larger audience, it's tempting to write about light, straightforward themes, but this is a bad idea in most cases. Maintaining a genuine tone, on the other hand, will assist you in attracting your tribe - readers who are interested in the subject matter of your writing.

Make no apprehensions about delving into more frightening things. The fact of writing is that you have to include elements of real life in your novels, and that reality is not always nice to write about, which makes for difficult writing.

Increase the number of people who see your work by spreading the word.

It's not easy to put your work out there for people to critique it. You will, however, require it in order to progress.

You may refine your writing skills and network with other authors on platforms such as Medium or WordPress. You can share writing prompts with one another and give feedback on each other's work as well.

For example, Freelance Writers of the Philippines is a Facebook group where you may look for freelance writing opportunities as well as compete in writing competitions and take writing courses.

Determine the best suited platform for your needs.

Are you interested in making money from your talents? In exchange for contributing their work to Web Novel, which is a virtual library of fictional books, authors can be reimbursed for their original work.

Webnovel's home page can be found here.

Webnovel's enormous user base across several platforms, including the mobile app, the mobile website, and the desktop site (among others), means that your work has the potential to gain a tremendous deal of exposure.

As soon as writers submit their original stories to Webnovel, the website's editorial team will review them and provide them with professional writing help.

Authors' revenues are safeguarded through the use of the royalty payment and Contracted Works Guarantee methods in the event that their work is accepted for adaptation. Authors have the option to participate in the process of bringing their characters to life outside of the pages of their works of fiction.

In exchange for website subscriptions, direct sales from other platforms, and the monetization of the author's intellectual property, authors earn a percentage of the revenue generated.

According to Lynerparel, a well-known Filipino Web Novel author, he earns twice as much money as he would making a full-time living in a traditional profession

AUTHORS FROM THE SURROUNDING AREA For a Web Novel fan meeting on November 24, a group of Filipino Web Novel writers convened in the Philippines. About a thousand original authors from the Philippines are now posting their work on Web Novel, which is a platform for original fiction. Web Novel provided the image used in this post.

It is also possible to introduce well-known works to the public through Amazon and other online auction sites. Participants at book conferences have the option to have their work published in print, and authors can get their work published online.

Category :careers

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