Top 10 Most Demanded Freelance Skills to Learn in 2022

Publish Date : 2022-02-11 00:00:00

Top 10 Most Demanded Freelance Skills to Learn in 2022

Freelancing is no longer viewed as a "side hustle" or a way to supplement your income while unemployed. You may now work from the comfort of your own home and earn a full-time income! Because technology and accessible internet connection have made it simple to obtain online work, over 57 million workers in the United States have already made the leap to self-employment. The number of self-employed professionals is only likely to rise, thanks to the potential of a better work-life balance, significantly higher compensation, and more job satisfaction.

However, as appealing as freelancing may appear, you must first determine which career path is ideal for you and where to begin before quitting your day job. We combed through every available freelancing job to generate a list of the most in-demand skills, so you can start looking for your dream freelance job right now!

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Programming

Why Should You Choose Blockchain?
Blockchain is a programming language that manages and stores information about cryptocurrency transactions. However, unlike with other coding languages, it makes each entry highly resistant to external modification. This means that even though each online transaction is completely transparent, it cannot be interfered with by anyone who doesn’t own the data.

Even though it’s still a fairly new cryptocurrency technology, blockchain has quickly established itself as the #1 data-managing technique. Due to its unbreakable transaction security, companies (especially in law, finance, and logistics) are predicted to invest as much as $15.9 billion into blockchain by 2023. Luckily for freelancers, as it’s such a specific area of expertise, there still aren’t enough experts with sufficient knowledge to code and manage blockchain. That’s why, as long as you have the skills to show, you’re highly likely to find multiple clients looking for a blockchain specialist.

Where Can You Learn the Skills?
It can be daunting to start learning about blockchain and cryptocurrency, especially if you don’t have any existing computer programming experience. Depending on your understanding of coding and Bitcoin, you can find an array of online courses that best suit your needs. Coursera offers a great course for beginners that’s perfect to discover the basics of blockchain and how it works.

Mobile App Development

Why Should You Consider Developing a Mobile App?

The need for Android and iOS app developers is increasing all the time. According to App Annie's 2019 report, app stores reported over 200 billion downloads in just one year, with users spending a total of $120 billion on applications and in-app purchases. It's hardly surprise that businesses are focusing their efforts on promoting their services through mobile apps, given that people spend an average of nearly 3 hours every day on their phones.

This is a fantastic opportunity for mobile app developers to showcase their skills and abilities. Companies are always on the lookout for fresh freelancers to help them design, create, and test their mobile and tablet apps. This demand isn't going away anytime soon, therefore you'll be able to make a career as a freelance mobile developer for as long as phones are a necessity in daily life.

What Are the Best Places to Learn the Skills?

Mobile app development necessitates a high level of coding expertise; most iOS apps are written in Swift, while Android apps are written in Java or C++. Knowing this, you can choose to master one language or both in order to become a mobile operating system specialist in both. If you're not sure whether language is right for you, take the Shaw Academy course, which covers all areas of app development, and see what you like most.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Development

What Are the Benefits of Using Amazon Web Services?

AWS is the world's largest cloud storage provider, with Netflix, Airbnb, Pinterest, and Slack among its customers. According to The Verge, if you blocked all of the stuff housed on AWS, you'd only be left with 60% of the internet. Unfortunately, the cloud storage system is vulnerable to hacks and system failures, and it appears that every time it goes down, nearly half of the internet goes down with it.

As an AWS Architect, you can choose between two pathways. You'll either work directly with Amazon to guarantee that systems are up and running as quickly as possible, or you'll provide cloud management services to a variety of organisations that use Amazon's online storage. Despite the high annual income, it's doubtful that one company will hire you full-time, so focus on building a solid customer base and charging a set monthly cost.

What Are the Best Places to Learn the Skills?

The AWS website offers a variety of online courses that will take you from total beginner to cloud storage expert. Finally, if you complete all of the processes on the website, you will be needed to pass a certification exam, which will result in an official certification.

Website Design

What Are the Benefits of Web Design?
According to WebFX, an expert marketing firm, nearly 90% of buyers will choose a competitor if a company's e-commerce website is poorly built. Companies are aware of this and invest millions of dollars in their designs since, on average, each dollar invested on web design generates $100 in sales.

You'll be responsible for researching design trends and developing engaging draughts utilising creative software like Photoshop as a website designer. Because they frequently collaborate with front-end developers to construct each site, web designers are also proficient in website-oriented coding languages such as HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).


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